In a cutaway from the main topic at hand about lemurs basking in the sun, the show had a little cutaway to two tortoises in the brush populating the species. This wasn't throwaway, B-roll monkey fucking; this was an encapsulation of hilarity (HT=LOL).
When I started writing this post, I tried first to go find the episode of Nature to which I was referring. I didn’t find it (sorry). I did find PBS has many episodes of Nature available online to watch at leisure. The episode database can even be searched by type of animal (Support PBS)! Luckily, YouTube has many humping tortoise videos.
Just be sure to use up as many bottles as possible. Ask cashiers to double bag those bottles in plastic bags and then shrink wrap it during your initial purchase. Plastic is oil and until we use up all the oil there is no real chance we will ever make any lasting progress on alternative fuels, because there is not enough profit to be made. Shell Oil agrees, which is why they cut most all alternative energy research.
Happy Earth Day!
After watching several of these turtles and how they go about things it's no wonder why so many of the species are endangered. I mean with the shell in the way and everything, and half the time the females are just walking around or eating something so whatever is happening isn't even phasing them. Perhaps that's why there is such an incredible number of turtle humping videos--they must be pretty randy to try enough to come to any positive end.