
MADD a Little Crazy? Introduces alcohol free line of drinks.

Everyone know there are consequences for getting drunk. Hangover, Cirrosis, walks of shame, a burning sensation when you pee, drunk texting, blackmail, death by vehicle. Commercials tell us to "drink responsibly" to avoid such problems, but we are all too often distracted by snow bunnies, party dogs, Slurms MacKenzie's gyratting, and ice trains bringin' frost brewed, natty ice-cold goodness to the football games to heed the advice. Because we didn't listen (oh God, why didn't we listen!?) there is one more consequence for all your drunken binges: MADD Virgin Drinks.

MADD announces an exclusive license agreement with Hill Street Marketing Inc. to produce a line of alcohol-free beverages, MADD Virgin Drinks, which will provide American consumers with a delicious and socially responsible alternative to alcoholic beverages. The line currently includes three virgin cocktails (Mojito, Margarita and Pina Colada), a virgin Lager & Lime, virgin Red and White Wine, and a virgin Sparkling White Wine.

Virgin red & white wine = grape juice, right?

The press release also mentions this fine line of products will be available for when you have the pesky social dilemma of being invited to a holiday BYOB party that's also a "family affair" and you don't know what to bring. I don't drink myself, but I'm fairly certain from years of watching television and movies, and being around my family that the answer is alcohol.

Now go drown your self pity in a beer and always drink responsibly.

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